Thursday, November 1, 2012

I See Dead People....

To celebrate the spirit of Halloween, we thought we'd share a funny little story.  A couple of weeks ago, Uncle Mike, Uncle Joe, and our good friend Muyly watched us while mom and dad were at school, and auntie and grandma were at a meeting.  We had a great time with them, and they were pretty tired by the time auntie got home.  I am not sure Uncle Joe will be looking to watch us again anytime soon...Now, how can that be you ask, since we are so AWESOME?  Well, I think we scared him a little bit.  We overheard his conversation with auntie, and it went a little something like this:

UJ: (in a quiet voice) Hey, so I think that Amelia was talking to someone...
AK: What do you mean?
UJ: Well, uh...I think maybe she saw a ghost...
AK: Um, what do you mean?
UJ: Well, you see...we were playing, and then all of a sudden she ran over to the corner, and started talking, and moving her arms wildly, and gesturing, and laughing...but there wasn't anyone there...
AK: Can you show me?
UJ: (walks over to the wall, and re-enacts what he saw, then asks) Do you think she was talking to a ghost?
UJ: Cause I've heard that little kids can see ghosts and dead people....
UJ: It really freaked me out..
AK: Um...she was showing you how she makes shadow puppets.....Jen taught her that today....
UJ: Oh...

Time to lay off the scary movies Uncle Joe!

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