Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Amelia and Emma,

You are 8 months old! When did this happen? When did you stop being infants and start being big girls? This month has brought so many changes. You have discovered your toys on your own. You have found your voices. You play peek-a-boo. You like to know what's going on. You don't nap nearly as much as you used to, which results in major meltdowns... in which you turn into "puddles." But with the lack of naps during the day, you have given us a few full nights of sleep. I wish that time would stand still for just a little bit. Especially because I know what the next months are going to bring; crawling, walking, talking. Yes, all good things. But sometimes I just want to hold you in my arms and give you a cuddle and try to bottle up the sweet smell. I know my days of this are numbered... so I am going to enjoy every second.

Eight months ago, I had no idea what I was doing. Living minute by minute, just trying to get through each day. Not knowing why you would cry. Not knowing what would make you happy. Not knowing when to call the doctor. Not knowing about reflux. Not knowing how to cut finger nails. Not knowing how to go to the grocery store by myself. Not even knowing if I could take care of both of you at the same time. These days I can usually figure out why you are sad and can think of something to make you happier. I call the doctor whenever I feel like it's necessary, that's why they are paid the big bucks. I know everything there is to know about reflux. I cut your finger nails when you are asleep. I am pretty good maneuvering around the grocery store with both of your car seats in one carriage (except for those "wet floor" signs... I may have run over a few of those in my travels). And I can most certainly take care of both of you at the same time. It just takes a little patience from all of us. But the thing I really had no idea about was exactly how in love I could be with the two of you. I would do anything for you girls.

My little peanut. You have a smile that brings so much happiness to the world. When we are out walking, you are the first to crack a smile at anyone who will look your way. You let out these squeals and giggles that are so powerful they command attention. One of my favorite times is when we share a laugh together. You have this laugh that comes straight from your soul, you shrug your shoulders up and down, have a crazy grin on your toothless mouth and just laugh wildly. We just sit and laugh at one another. It is one of my favorite sounds. That sound as well as a tongue clicking sound you've learned to make. I think it is just another way you try to get people to laugh, and you are very successful at it. Your dad and I are constantly trying to
think of new sounds to keep you laughing. You love making noises back at us, we think any day you will say your first word. I can't believe how far you've come. You hold your head on your own, you can sit with a little help and we've even been practicing standing. Holding books, playing peek-a-boo, but are also content to play with your toys on your own. I can't believe how far you've come little girl. You are getting stronger and stronger every day and I am always amazed by you.

My second little peanut. No one would never know that you were once a very serious girl who rarely showed a smile. But now, that is all we see. Most mornings I wake up to the sound of you "talking" to yourself. When you catch me watching, you get the biggest grin from ear to ear. I used to dread the sound of the alarm clock... this is by far the best way to wake up in the morning! You are a mover and a shaker. Rolling around the floor, shimmying off your play mat all the time. Playing has become your favorite thing to do. When you get excited, you love to swing your toys all around. And you even carry on "conversations" with them. You reach purposely for toys, and if they are out of reach you are determined to get it. Unfortunately sometimes it's a toy that your sister is already playing with. That's one down side to having a sister your age, but I promise that there will be so many good things that come from it too. You have learned so much over the last 8 months. You head control is great, you can sit unassisted... but then you can fall over unassisted too. You are very good at standing, and we are teaching you how to stand while holding onto things around you. I can't believe how far you've come little girl. You amaze me.

Every month with you is more fun and enjoyable than the previous, which I find so hard to believe! In some ways I want you to slow down your growth so that I get more time with you when you are so small, but as I see how great the next stage is, it makes me excited about
what is to come. Your dad & I both love you so very much, and feel so blessed to have you in our family! We love you!


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