Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear Amelia and Emma,

Happy 1/2 Birthday my Little Ladies. I can't believe you are 6 months old. When did this happen?!? I feel like I just found out "It's twins!", and I just felt you kick for the first time, and I was just getting one more glimpse of you in the isolette, and I just brought you home for the first time, and you just smiled and laughed for the first time. And yet, here you both are 6 months old, a new milestone. You girls have taught your dad and I so much in the past six months. I think about how nervous we were to meet you both, but you have been the most incredible blessing and we would be lost without you.

Can you believe it? This past month you hit the 12 pound mark, which means you've grown 4 times the size you were when you were born. Everyday you amaze us. You are such a little chatterbox. Always thinking up new sounds to make. With all this practice making noises, you've discovered your tongue. Your new favorite is blowing raspberries. This cracks you up, especially when you are drinking your bottle. A few times you've even blown formula out of your mouth... which makes it even funnier.
Another thing that makes you smile is bath time. You love being in the water, kicking your feet and splashing. I love this time we share together, just you and me. We laugh together and sing rubber ducky. I think it's mostly you laughing at my singing, but hey I will take any laughs I can get :) Amelia you are always finding new ways to amuse yourself and your dad and I are always watching and waiting to see what's next. We love you so much little girl.

Can you believe it? This past month you also hit the 12 pound mark, which means you've also grown 4 times the size you were when you were born. You've grown so much over the last month, and I don't just mean your weight, your hair has had a growth spurt. It is so funny because you wake up in the morning with bedhead. Grandma says that she thinks you will have curly hair just like Grandpa and Auntie Karen. I won't lie, that makes me a little frightened cause I wouldn't know the first thing to do with curly hair!

This month your personality has changed, last month you were the diva, this month you are serious but are easy going. You love laughing. Last night you were cracking yourself up for 15 minutes straight. You are trying to figure out who you want to be in this world; the thinker, the diva, the comedian. Just remember, whoever you decide on, your dad and I will love you no matter what!

Every month with you is more fun and enjoyable than the last, which I find so hard to believe! In some ways I want everything to slow down so that I get more time with you, but as I see how great the next stage is, it makes me excited about what is to come. Your dad and I love the happiness you've brought to our family and friends and feel so blessed to have you in our family, love all the new challenges, love all the laughs and cries, and most of all love waking up every morning to see your smiling little faces looking back at us.

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