Monday, October 25, 2010

First day back

A good friend of mine gave me some advice when he heard I was pregnant. He said "Enjoy it because it goes fast, the days are long but the years are short." Today is my first day back to work... it feels like they were born yesterday, where has the time gone???

I'm posting these pictures because they make me smile and I think it's exactly what I'll need when I'm sad.


  1. That is good advice and so true!! I hope you have a good first day back!

  2. Your girls are so proud of their mom today. Such a strong "lilldy" herself :). Looking at those pics makes me realize how many great memories those girls have already given all of us.

  3. One of the hardest days of your life today, I am sure. But, you will be just fine---look at what you have already endured! Just think at how the end of each day will be greeted with those two little darlings---such sweetness!

  4. Ok, I just got a little teary-eyed with those tiny hands!
